Wednesday 8 May 2013

Mother's Day

Mother's Day is coming soon, which is on 12 May. Have y'all gotten your mom's gifts to thank them? Thank them for everything they have done, for taking care of you from you are a baby until now, for keeping you safe and alive for 9 months, for giving birth to you, showering you with love and care and much more other stuff which we can thank them for. Also, for those who's mom has passed away, you can still celebrate mother's day. You can pray for them, still wishes her 'happy mother's day!'  in your heart and keep thinking of them everyday and the most important thing is that you always keep them close to your heart. (: They might be far away, you can't see or touch them physically but you must always keep them close to your heart. They are always there for you. (: 

Alright, so this year I decided to purchase some peniti/pins for the hijab as mother's day gift. Actually, I didn't pay for it all by myself but I shared it with my granny, sister and brother. I bought it from my close friend, she made it herself so I'm proud of her and want to support her. You guys can also check her peniti/pins out at her instagram: @deekrzn or her facebook: Okay, enough promoting. HAHAHAAHA! >.< 

This is what I bought:

This peniti/pins is worn on the hijab like this: (the no. 4)

Well then, good luck in finding your mother's day present. ^^

Au revoir, 

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