Tuesday 14 May 2013


Hello again,

Today was the same I guess. Had a lot of laughing and coughing. Bad news is that I have to retake my Taxation CA which will be on next week Monday. Mrs Sim said that I did careless mistakes. I switch the penalty and fine place which minus a lot of marks. It's okay, it's my fault that I didn't studied hard enough this time, I was slacking. I guess I don't know what I want and that's why I don't have the motivation to study? Well, enough excuses. I will study hard for the retake. So wish me luck. ^^ I've been coughing since yesterday and vomit. Now I'm feeling that I will be having fever but I'm drinking lots of water and ate my medicine already, so I'm okay. 

Sister's boyfriend came to my house and we watch Big Bang Alive Concert. Hehehehe. I didn't watch Kes 253 on Suria cause I don't have the mood to watch tv. Tommorrow is younger brother's Maths paper and I'm worried for him cause he didn't study. Well, GOOD LUCK brother! You are much more clever than me!! Hahahahaha! I hope he pass. (*^_^*)

Ezah ask me on my opinion on something, I told her to go for it. Just don't hurt anyone okay! It's okay to try but you can end it if you think it's not gonna be alright. Wish you luck! 

I'm gonna revise on my Taxation and Advance Accounting now. It's time for me to get serious. I need to keep myself awake in class. Hahahaha. I'm hungry. ):


Au revoir,

"When you say “It’s hard”, it actually means you are not strong enough to fight for it. Stop saying its hard. Think positive!

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