Saturday 11 May 2013


I was searching for a topic to blog today, so I went and google on quotes and found a picture:

After reading it, you guys remember the painful things that happen right? Well, cheer up, it's already in the pass. Smile and think it as a memory that you can reflect back and learn from it or laugh at it. Or if you are having those painful times now think of the best solution for you and the other person. Sometimes, I feel that it is the best if you save yourself from getting hurt rather than getting hurt later.

Feelings, it's a really interesting thing for me but I will never understand it. 

"My sister's friend (Person A) is currently having this problem: 
She/He is in a relationship with a person who stays in a neighbouring country for 3 years. It's not a long distance relationship but they both school here but now that both of them have graduate he/she went back. My sister friend worked for 6 days and 1 day off in a week and that person is living in his/her country it's not far from Singapore. Person A know where he/she live and have gone to that country with the boyfriend/girlfriend family for holiday. One day his/her sibling sends person A a text saying he/she is going out with another person. Like a date, so person A asked his/her sibiling to take a picture as proof. Person A then make a fake facebook account using an anonymous person picture and add her/his boyfriend/girlfriend and flirts with him/her. He/She flirts back and even gave person A his/her number. Person A then contact her/his boyfriend/girlfriend and ask if he/she is cheating on her/him. He/She replyed 'No.' So person A let it slide. But now that Person A have proof what should person A do?"

I told my sister that if it were me I would meet my boyfriend and show him the proof and ask what does he want to do now. I would ask if he still love me. If he does then ask him to explain and apologies for his mistake and ask him not to cheat again. If he said he doesn't love me then I would walked out from his life. If he knows he did a mistake and he still love me he would fight for me and trying to win me over again. But my sister said, "you really love him very much" I replied "If he doesn't love me back for what I love him, it's already not already a relationship cause he like someone else." She then said "Your relationship is for 3 years already." Then I don't know how to reply back, cause I haven't experience this kind of feelings before. So my sister asked my mom about this. My mom replied back the same thing as me but when my sister asked "Your relationship is for 3 years already" my mom replied back "Even people who have been married for years can divorce, this is only a relationship, if he loves you he will be there for you until you die and still loves you after that." I was like "Whoaaaa, my mom can replied back when I went speechless." I don't know if my sister told her friend about our opinions yet, but I wish the best for her. Hope that she will be happy. (: 

Feelings for someone you love is really complicated. For me relationship is a 2 person thing not 1 person. Well, everyone thinks a relationship is a 2 person thing but some people knows it but still, loving someone who loves another. Have you seen "Loving someone who loves another" before? Read the picture that I post, it's point no. 4

So what will you do it you were is my friends position? Would you do the same as me? or You would do it your way? 

Anyway, if you like to tell me you way, do post a comment on this. Cheyy, feeling that I'm popular eh? HAHAHAHAHA! Just joking, anyway I'm curious what other people would do if they encounter this problem. Would you walk away or still hold on?

Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.'
Mature love says: 'I need you because I love you.
- Erich Fromm

And finally a cute break up song.
Lunafly cover of 50 ways to say goodbye by Train.

Spot some lyrics on my blog? 

Au revoir,

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